The Extreme Controlled Computing Group

"A Real-time Software Development Firm"


The successful corporation of today must adapt to rapid changes in client expectations, innovative competition, product development and process standards, as well as a technologically changing landscape, if it products are to remain viable in the market place. This set of challenges is further exacerbated by the inherent complexity required in today's software based systems.

Corporations must have access to a set or core competences that enhances their ability to identify, capture, evaluate, report, and share internal information assets. The challenge to the corporation is in the management and distribution of the collective knowledge to the appropriate corporate members, clients, strategic partners and supply-chain partners in a timely and trusted manner that facilitate product development and delivery. This means, providing quality corporate and market information to the right persons, at the right time, in the right place, and in the right form.

Corporations need to insure that the quality and availability of core information within and across organization boundaries is a growing rather than static requirement. As corporations migrate to virtual supply-chains and/or out-sourced operations, access to their relatively closed information technology and development environments of the past must be opened to an external constituency, in a secure and trusted manner. In addition they must integrate widely distributed component into the planned product and ensure its quality.

XCCG focuses on developing its clients' ability to effectively create software defined components and manage the integration, support and maintenance of product quality.

Where to contact us?

The Extreme Controlled Computing Group
3715 Highbank Place
West Lafayette, IN 47906-8842


Chania is a city on the island of Crete.


Crete is a Greek island in the Mediterranean Sea


You can reach Chania airport from all over Europe